Transparency and Accountability

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10. Transparency and Accountability

As one of the largest student governments in North America, we have a responsibility to ensure the work that we do is transparent and accountable to those that have entrusted us with the responsibility of representing them. In order to do this, we believe that accessible, frequent, and digestible communication to students-at-large of the work that Council and the Executive undertake is paramount. Beyond this, we will look to facilitate more opportunities for students to engage directly with this democracy; it is our hope that this shows students that they are able to hold us accountable for the work we do, and that we are committed to listening to their wants and needs. 

Executive Lead: Nathan Szierer, Vice President Governance and Finance


Executive Lead



Communicating PurpleCare to Students & Improving Website

Nathan Szierer

VPGF has presented the need for increased services to Western Admin; we are hoping to work collaboratively on promoting care options and to  fill gaps in student care on campus. 


Improving the Communications of Our Advocacy 

Callista Ryan

ASGBV Advocacy work has been communicated widely on social media, our web-page, and with media. For our week of action, we promoted our asks and included a visual checklist indicator on what we have accomplished so far. 

VPCPA is working on an update related to the winter break survey to be released once we know the decision. We are so excited that  15,000 students gave their feedback so quickly!


Replacing the Coin Toss

Zamir Fakirani

VPGF and President are working to identify alternatives to the coin toss rule. VPGF has drafted possible replacements, and conversations are ongoing about the best, most democratic way forward. President is working with constituency presidents to ensure constituency councils can host a by-election in the instance of a tie, if by-law #2 revisions are adopted. These amendments were passed.


USC Elections Turnout 

Callista Ryan

VPCPA met with CRO about lines of communication during the USC Elections. VPCPA’s wrote an elections communications brief which includes plans for student engagement communications during the USC Election. 



Additional Executive Initiatives

The Executive Roadmap plans out how the executive will structure their programs, plans, and portfolios for the year under organized priority areas. However, when new opportunities or issues arise, they may implement additional programs. See below for updates on these additional initiatives.

Council Reform

  • President and VPGF are working with our governance team at the USC to act on Councillor feedback from the previous term.
  • Council has approved the implementation of an August Council meeting and increased transparency re: voting and attendance records.
  • Council reform and changes to the legislative calendar will be discussed at the August Council meeting.
  • President and VPSSP are rewriting all SSP portfolio Coordinator job descriptions to keep them relevant and up-to-date. This is supposed to be an annual undertaking but has not been done for quite a few years now.
  • VPSSP is renaming three files that sit under this portfolio: Pride Western, Theatre Western, and Envirowestern to clarify that they are not Western programs, but instead sit under the USC.


Keeping in Touch with Council and Student Leaders

  • Executives have been meeting with Councillors to build relationships and identify how we can best support Councillors in executing their mandates. We’re always down to chat more!
  • President has convened the HBK and All-Presidents’ monthly roundtables.
  • VPUA has convened HBK VP Student Affairs monthly roundtables.
  • Executives have hosted a series of Soph town halls to gather feedback and to listen.
  • President and VPUA have been visiting constituency council meetings and office hours!
  • VPUA continues to hold HBK VP Student Affairs monthly meetings and monthly VPUA Roundtables with the VP Academics/Student Affairs from each constituency council.


Improving Advocacy Access

  • President and VPUA successfully advocated for a seat for the VPUA to be added to Campus Council.



  • VPUA and President worked with the Office of the President at Western to plan a candlelight vigil for Gabriel Neil.


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