A portion of your student fees contributes to this coverage, which is specifically designed to supplement provincial health care and meet students’ needs. Purple Care develops the insurance plan, which includes health, dental, and travel benefits so you can focus on being a student and leave the stress of health coverage to us.
Eligible full-time, undergraduate students are automatically enrolled to this coverage, which is specifically designed to supplement provincial health care and meet students’ needs. Purple Care develops the insurance plan, which includes health, dental, and travel benefits so you can focus on being a student and leave the stress of health coverage to us.
Eligible full-time, undergraduate students are automatically enrolled to this coverage, which is specifically designed to supplement provincial health care and meet students’ needs. Purple Care develops the insurance plan, which includes health, dental, and travel benefits so you can focus on being a student and leave the stress of health coverage to us.
A portion of your student fees contributes to this coverage, which is specifically designed to supplement provincial health care and meet students’ needs. Purple Care develops the insurance plan, which includes health, dental, and travel benefits so you can focus on being a student and leave the stress of health coverage to us.
USC Reservations exists to provide event solutions for all University constituents and off-campus organizations. Excellence will be achieved through proactive customer solutions, consistent policies, and focus on student development within an atmosphere of open communication, accountability, and fiscal responsibility.
Students who are covered under an equivalent extended benefit health care plan (in addition to your standard provincial coverage) may choose to “opt-out” of the USC plan. This typically applies to students who have previous and continuing health insurance coverage provided by a parent or guardian. If you choose to opt-out, the fee will be reimbursed and credited to your online Western student services account.
Students who are covered under an equivalent extended benefit health care plan (in addition to your standard provincial coverage) may choose to “opt-out” of the USC plan. This typically applies to students who have previous and continuing health insurance coverage provided by a parent or guardian. If you choose to opt-out, the fee will be reimbursed and credited to your online Western student services account.
USC Main Office
Room 340, UCC Building
Western University
London, ON N6A 3K7