Appeals Board
The Appeals Board exists to ensure that all decisions by the USC are made to benefit and support the student population.

About us
What we do
When a particular decision or action is brought forward for examination, the students on the Appeals Board determine whether or not that decision or action was justified or if it is an infringement on the University’s policies and bylaws. Students on the Appeals Board follow the principles of natural justice, advocating for fairness and good conscience to ensure the USC remains a fully democratic and proactive organization
To learn more about the Appeals Board, you can read USC Bylaw#6 on the USC Documents list for the most current version of the by-law.
In order to submit an application to appeal, or to ask any questions about the Appeals Board, its jurisdiction, or the appeal process, send an email to the Chair of the Appeals Board at

Appeals Board Members
Appeal Decisions
Appeals Related to the Clubs Governance Board
Club Sanctions Appeals
- Western Punjabi Association v Clubs Governance Board, 2025:1
- The Western Punjabi Association vs Clubs Governance Board, 2024:1
- Ski & Snowboard Club vs Clubs Governance Board, 2023:5
- Ski and Snowboard Club v Clubs Governance Board, 2021:1
- University of Western Ontario Vegan Society v Clubs Governance Committee, 2016:3
- Western Crafting for a Cure v Clubs Governance Committee, 2016:2
- Muslim Students Association v. USC Clubs Governance Committee, 2015:5
- Students for Eating Disorder Awareness Western v Clubs Governance Board, 2024:10
- Multiple Sclerosis Western v Clubs Governance Board, 2023:4
- Lupus Awareness Club v Clubs Governance Committee, 2019:6
- Society of Atheists and Agnostics v Clubs Governance Committee
- Macedonian Students Association Western v Clubs Governance Committee, 2018:1
- Croatian Club et al vs Club Governance Committee, 2017:1
- Armenian Students’ Association v. Clubs Governance Committee, 2016:5
- Western Coptic Orthodox Association v. USC Clubs Governance Committee, 2016:4
- LIVERight v. USC Clubs Governance Committee, 2015:6
- Mustangs Bhangra Association v Clubs Governance Board, 2024:12
- Bangladeshi Student Association v Clubs Governance Board, 2024:11
- Western Formula 1 v Clubs Governance Board, 2024:9
- Memory League Western v Clubs Governance Board, 2024:7
- Western Academic Athlete v Clubs Governance Board, 2024:6
- Speak Western v Clubs Governance Board, 2024:5
- Western Cultural Dance Company v Clubs Governance Board, 2024:4
- Western Students Offering Support v Clubs Governance Board, 2024:2
- Western Clay Club v Clubs Governance Board, 2023:6
- Unload Western v Clubs Governance Board, 2020:1
- Craft Lovers Club v Clubs Governance Board, 2020:2
- Smiling Over Sickness v Clubs Governance Committee, 2019:5
- Western Fantasy Sports Club v Clubs Governance Committee, 2019:4
- Trek for Teens v Clubs Governance Committee, 2018:4
- Backpacks N’ Care Packs v Clubs Governance Commitee, 2018:3
- Western International Students Club v Clubs Governance Committee, 2017:9
- Preventing Abuse in Neighbourhoods Cluv v Clubs Governance Committee, 2017:8
- Stem Cell Club v Clubs Governance Committee, 2017:7
- Sick Kids Club Western v Clubs Governance Committee, 2017:6
- Western Poker Society v Clubs Governance Committee, 2017:5
- Mercy Ships Western Campus Club v Clubs Governance Committee, 2017:4
- Bicycle Safety Awareness Club v CGC; Western Ski and Snowboard Club v CGC, 2017:3
- Club Ratification Appeals – May 17, 2016
- Club Ratification Appeals, Part I – April 27, 2015
- Club Ratification Appeals, Part II – April 27, 2015
Appeals Related to the Elections Governance Committee
Campaign Rules Violation Appeals
- Hasan Ahmed v Elections Governance Committee, 2019:3
- Hasan Ahmed v Elections Governance Committee, 2019:2
- Team ForYe v Elections Governance Committee, 2019:1
- Team DiBrina v Elections Governance Committee, 2017:2
Summary of Findings
Team DiBrina Appeal 1 redacted
Team DiBrina Appeal 2
Team DiBrina Appeal 3
Team DiBrina Appeal 4 redacted
Team DiBrina Appeal 6
Team DiBrina Appeal 7 - Team Palin-Cohen v. Elections Governance Committee, 2016:1
- Ahmed v. Elections Governance Committee, 2016:2
- Team Sophie v Elections Committee, 2015:2
- Team Litchfield v Elections Committee, 2015:1