Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

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3. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

It is vital that the USC prioritize advocacy and initiatives designed to enact meaningful, systemic change as we work to embed EDI principles into both the structure of our organization and the university. We recognize that different elements of a person’s identity – such as gender, race, religion, ability, and sexuality – intersect to produce unique experiences, which impacts all areas of the academic and student experience. To that end, we are committed to taking up an intersectional lens as we work with student groups and other stakeholders to make Western University a safer and more equitable place for all students. Our internal work will be guided by our new EDI Framework, and in our advocacy work, we look forward to collaborating with the Special Advisors to President Shepard on Anti-Racism, the Student EDI Network, and the incoming AVP EDI to build a robust strategy and concrete actions to address racism on our campus and in our community.

Executive Lead: Ziyana Kotadia, Vice-President University Affairs


Executive Lead



Collection of Equity-based Data 

Ziyana Kotadia

The USC’s VPUA has advocated to the Office of the AVP EDI to request the university collect equity-based data. The Executive have worked closely with the Office during the rollout of their census. At a campus level, this initiative is complete. The USC’s VPEA is advocating to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities for the collection of this data.

On-Campus Collection




External Collection



Equity Advocacy Committee


Ziyana Kotadia

The USC has created the Terms of Reference for the Equity Advocacy Committee. The EAC is facilitated by the VPUA and the group has been working with the USC to finalize the content in the Racialized and Religious Students’ Policy Paper


Mandated training for campus and student leadership

Maddie Osborne

The VPSSP is developing a comprehensive student leadership training program which will better suit the needs of our students and properly prepare our volunteers for their roles. Mandatory EDI training has been rolled out to all USC Staff.



Promote Sophing Opps for Under-represented Communities


Callista Ryan

Soph Applications for the 2021-2022 year has doubled from last years numbers. An Extensions was made when the Soph Application due date fell shortly after the Hyde Park Tragedy. Soph promotions planning for the 2022-2023 year has begun.


Queer-Friendly Recreation Centre

Racialized and Religious Students’ Policy Paper


Ziyana Kotadia

The USC’s VPUA has been working alongside USC PrideWestern to consult, research, and determine priorities for the recreation centre.


Racialized and Religious Students’ Policy Paper

Ziyana Kotadia

The Paper has been completed and passed by the USC’s Council. The VPUA will share the finalized paper with student groups.


Reducing Barriers to Employment, Election and Retention


Callista Ryan

During the summer, several hiring and recruitment campaigns were executed. Our combined social media campaigns totaled over 250,000 in reach. The VPCPA is strategizing with her team for recruitment and hiring for second semester and is planning on creating a hiring directory to make USC opportunities more transparent.



Reflection and prayer spaces


Zamir Fakirani

The USC has opened its own reflection and prayer space. The VPUA and USC President have been advocating for the university to open additional reflection and prayer spaces on campus.


Streamlining Room-Bookings for Clubs


Nathan Szierer

VPGF is working with the Manager, Reservations & Building Services to simplify room-bookings and ensure available USC space is easily accessible to clubs, specifically helping to accommodate religious and ethnocultural clubs who may have additional accessibility requirements. 


On-Hold for January with current restrictions 


USC Grants Program


Nathan Szierer

VPGF is working with USC Grants Coordinator to update grant categories to reflect opportunities for racialized/religious initiatives. Sustainability will also be a new stream.




Additional Executive Initiatives

The Executive Roadmap plans out how the executive will structure their programs, plans, and portfolios for the year under organized priority areas. However, when new opportunities or issues arise, they may implement additional programs. See below for updates on these additional initiatives.

EDI Advocacy 

  • VPUA advanced recommendations on menstrual products in all washrooms, the creation of a long-term EDI Strategic Plan, and the centralization of EDI resources through the USC budget submission.
  • VPGF is working with VPUA to draft the first version of the EDI Advisory Committee Terms of Reference. 

Equity and In-Person Activities

  • VPUA has been working with Western International and the USC’s International Student Support Services to ensure international students are well-equipped to navigate Western’s vaccine mandate.
  • VPUA and President co-authored a blog post for OUSA to articulate the need for universities to consider race-based equity and anti-racism in their return-to-campus policies.
  • Executives have executed Together for Change: ASGBV Week of Action through an intersectional lens, prioritizing equity-oriented advocacy and programming approaches.
  • VPUA has been running monthly meetings of the Student EDI Network to ensure that the leaders of identity-based student groups have a touchpoint with one another and administrators at Western.
  • President spoke at the recent Shalwar Kameez walk against Islamophobia and racism in London.
  • VPUA continues to run Student EDI Network meetings.
  • VPUA meeting with Student Experience’s digital EDI strategist to align and collaborate on EDI communications.

Supporting religious and racialized clubs

  • The USC Executive have been helping clubs navigate and respond to both local and international conflicts that have affected their membership and organizations. The USC President successfully advocacted for the Muslim Students’ Association and Pakistani Students’ Association Presidents to speak at the Memorial Service held for the family affected by the Hyde Park Tragedy.


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