Winter Break Update

the lead up

In November, the USC and Western Student Senators (WSS) started to hear from students about concerns regarding the length of this year’s Winter Break. Changes to the Academic Calendar need to be approved by the University Senate. While the USC is present at Senate meetings, we do not have voting rights; however, WSS do. In order to collect student feedback to present to the Senate, the USC and WSS created a survey, which saw over 14,500 submissions to date.

the survey

The USC was glad to be able to engage with and hear from so many students about this priority. In the survey, we heard that:

For a variety of reasons including the return to in-person learning and the violence our campus experienced in September, this has been a uniquely challenging semester for student mental health
There are affordability concerns about booking travel so close to New Year’s

There were many other concerns brought forward, but these were two consistent themes in the student feedback we received.

the motion

After receiving this feedback, the USC and WSS got to work. A Student Senator moved the motion for the academic calendar to be amended to allow for an extension to this year’s Winter Break. Your advocates on the USC, VP University Affairs Ziyana Kotadia and President Zamir Fakirani, have elevated the student feedback we have received both on the Senate floor and in conversations with decision-makers at the university.

the update

The USC Executive has been following up with administrators and Western Student Senators. After this motion was brought forward to Senate, it was reviewed by a Senate committee, SCAPA, and the motion has not moved forward to the next Senate meeting.

This means the university is no longer considering an extension of this year’s Winter Break and undergraduate students should plan for a January 3rd return to classes.

the next step

Your voices had a huge impact – they sparked an important conversation for the university community about health, affordability, and well-being. Though this year’s Winter Break will not be extended, the USC is working with the university to create long-term changes to the academic calendar that will ensure future Winter Breaks can be longer. The USC will also be advocating for improved mental health supports for students this year, recognizing that students have been navigating unique hardships throughout the semester.

the thank you

We want to sincerely thank all of you for raising your concerns and sharing your voices. We were able to collaborate with Western Student Senators and bring your voices to the University Senate, and your feedback will lead to tangible changes for future years.

We know this has been a tough semester for all of us, and we encourage you to utilize the support services available to you. A complied list can be found here: 

the contact information

If you have any more feedback, ideas, concerns, or questions, you can always reach out to the USC.

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The post Winter Break Update appeared first on USC News.

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