Clubs Governance Board

The Clubs Governance Board governs the clubs’ community on campus by enforcing and overseeing policies and procedures to ensure fairness in the clubs’ culture. 

USC Clubs Logo


CGB’s mandate is to

  1. Create a community that supports leadership development among students and welcome the wide range of interests within the Clubs Community,
  2. Adhere to all the documents of the Clubs Policy to determine reasonable limits placed on student organizations in order to comply with USC policy as well as University policy, including hearings and sanctions, and
  3. Set strategic, long-term goals for the Clubs Community for future growth and development of clubs and their student leaders, including the ratification of new clubs.

Need more information? View our Terms of Reference.

2023/24 Board Members

Voting Members

Board Members

Amirhesam Afsharpour (Chair)
Anamika Rajeev
Cherin Lee
Rick Cui
Waahibah Ahmed

Non-Voting Members

Bianca Gouveia, Vice President Student Services
Nathalie Alaves, AVP Student Services
Shari McIntyre, Manager, Student Community
Karen Savino, Student Events Coordinator
Anna Pavicic, Student Organizations Advisor

Clubs Policy Review Committee

Voting Members

Kevin Lee, Clubs Policy Coordinator (Chair)
Carolyn Zhang, Associate Clubs (Vice-Chair)

2021-2022 Committee Members:
Julia Burget
Daivik Shelat
Branden Kim
Jacky Huang

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