Accessibility and Affordability of Education

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7. Accessibility and Affordability of Education

We believe that all students deserve accessible and affordable education. There are a number of barriers, ranging from financial, social, physical, or economic, that can greatly affect a students’ ability to access post-secondary education. These barriers can also affect the student experience and enjoyment of undergraduate and professional programs. We are committed to assessing these barriers and advocating for necessary changes and accommodations to existing practices that prevent students from reaching their full educational and professional potential. With a focus on financial aid, tuition, experiential learning, and more, we hope to improve the academic experiences of students. 

Executive Lead: Eunice Oladejo, Vice President External Affairs


Executive Lead



International Student Advocacy

Eunice Oladejo

The USC’s VPUA, VPSSP, President, and ISS Coordinator have met with the leadership of the Western International Student Centre to share priorities, build a relationship, and identify areas of overlap. VPEA has been consistently advocating on the topics of international student tuition and work opportunities to policy analysts in the Ministry of Employment and Workforce Development.


Investments in Experiential learning

Eunice Oladejo

VPUA working with the Experiential Learning Unit by setting up a focus group for co-curricular activities and by elevating recommendations from the USC’s Experiential Learning Policy Paper to include an ‘experiential learning’ indication for students on Draft my Schedule. 


Lecture Accessibility 

Ziyana Kotadia

VPUA meeting regularly with the Vice-Provost Academic Programs to discuss a pilot project for lecture-capture technology in classrooms.

VPUA met with the Director, Academic Support and Engagement to discuss the UDI priorities of the Accessibility Implementation Committee.


Open Access and Open Educational Resources

Ziyana Kotadia

VPUA sitting on the Provosts’ 

Task Force on Open Access and Scholarly Communication, which has now presented the draft policy at Senate. VPEA is planning consultations regarding OER for the tech-enabled learning OUSA policy paper which will be re-written in the second semester.


Reduction of Interest on Provincial Loans

Eunice Oladejo

VPUA forwarded Affordability to OUSA’s Steering Committee and it has been chosen as a strategic priority. The VPEA has continued to forward this concern in provincial platform recommendations and directly to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and MPP’s through OUSA’s lobby week.


Student awards and financial aid portal

Ziyana Kotadia

VPUA working with the Office of the Registrar to initiate improvements to the Student Awards search portal. She is also meeting regularly with the Registrar to discuss documentation fees, financial counselling, and a student acceptance questionnaireVPEA, in her capacity at OUSA, has recommended that OUSA organize a clawbacks campaign. The campaign commenced in October. In November, the VPEA advocated for student financial aid during OUSA Lobby Week.



Additional Executive Initiatives

The Executive Roadmap plans out how the executive will structure their programs, plans, and portfolios for the year under organized priority areas. However, when new opportunities or issues arise, they may implement additional programs. See below for updates on these additional initiatives.

OSAP Clawback Advocacy

  • VPEA developed the idea of a campaign at OUSA to raise awareness about the OSAP clawbacks and mobilize students to contact their MPP’s.
  • VPEA has met with MPP’s to discuss this priority and get input into how the provincial government can go back to original spending levels on OSAP.
  • VPEA met with the OSAP file under the Ministry of Colleges and Universities to advocate for the end of osap clawbacks.


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