Statement on Gender-Based and Sexual Violence

Trigger Warning: this post discusses gender-based and sexual violence.


The USC is heartbroken with what we are hearing within residences and on campus. While we cannot comment on investigations taking place, we want to make it absolutely clear that we hear you, we stand with survivors, and we are here to take your feedback on how Western can be a safer campus. We also want to ensure that students are able to access the support that they need. We posted yesterday about health and wellness and safety resources, and today we would like to provide more in-depth information on how students can get support and/or report gender-based and sexual violence.

The USC’s Definition of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence is:

Any practice or behaviour that establishes, exploits, and reinforces
gendered power inequities resulting in physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or mental harm. Gendered violence includes sexism, gender discrimination, gender harassment, biphobia, transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence.

The USC’s Definition of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence is:

Any practice or behaviour that establishes, exploits, and reinforces
gendered power inequities resulting in physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or mental harm. Gendered violence includes sexism, gender discrimination, gender harassment, biphobia, transphobia, homophobia and heterosexism, sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, and intimate partner violence.

Peer Based Support

Please make sure you get the care and support you need. If something happened to you without your consent, there are peers and support available to you. The USC offers a free, confidential Peer Support Centre where student peers provide non-judgmental support.

Student leaders (Residence Staff, Sophs, and USC Council) receive training on how to support and students in a variety of situations. If you’re comfortable reaching out to them, they can help you get the resources you need.

Hospital, Treatment, and Professional Care

Our campus is fortunate to have a hospital located on campus (University Hospital) and several in the surrounding area. Your immediate safety is a priority. In the event of an imminent emergency, go to the nearest hospital to you.

For more focused care and support relating to Gender-Based and Sexual Violence, St. Joseph’s Hospital (268 Grosevmer St.) has a unit dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.

Hospital, Treatment, and Professional Care

St. Joseph’s Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Treatment Program offers free supports (for all) ranging from:

Emotional support and crisis intervention, counselling, physical examination, testing, prevention, and/or treatment of sexually transmitted infections (initially and in follow-up), HIV prevention medication, testing and/or prevention of pregnancy due to sexual assault, documentation/photographs of injuries, Forensic evidence collection, safety planning, referrals as needed. 

Reporting Gender-Based and Sexual Violence

There are different options for reporting Gender-Based and Sexual Violence both on and off campus.

Campus Police 519-661-3300 and London Police Services (911 or 519-661-6570) can open investigations and help you find the support you need. Campus Police can only open an investigation for situations caused physically on campus (this includes on and within student residences). London Police can support investigations anywhere in London. WesternU Residence Life can also open internal investigations within Residence Buildings. Cases reported to the Residence Manager can open an internal investigation.

Need help figuring out which supports you need?

Western has an on-campus Gender-Based and Sexual Violence Case Manager that provides confidential support. Call 519-661-3568 or email This service is free, confidential, and available to all students. The Case Manager can provide consultation on next steps so you can make the decision that is best for you.

Anova is an organization in London with a 24 hour helpline that can support survivors of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence. Another free, confidential, service that operates every hour of the day to help support you. Call 519-642-300 and/or visit

How can I help a friend who has experienced Sexual and Gender Based Violence?

Listen to what they have to say, take them seriously, and believe them. When supporting your friend, ensure they are in control of what happens next. It is a survivor’s choice to decide which course of action should be taken next and whatever that decision is should be respected and upheld by all individuals involved.

If you’re struggling emotionally from a disclosure from a friend, ensure you can get the support you need too. See yesterday’s post on additional resources.

Although the USC does not hold jurisdiction over campus safety, our University Affairs Portfolio and Anti-Sexual and Gender Based Violence Working Group are organizing consultations with survivors and student groups to evaluate how Western’s current Policy on Gender-Based and Sexual Violence has been experienced by students since the time it was last reviewed. If you have any feedback or would like to learn more about what you can do, email

Please, take care of yourselves and take care of each other.

The post Statement on Gender-Based and Sexual Violence appeared first on USC News.

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