Appeals Board

The Appeals Board exists to ensure that all decisions by the USC are made to benefit and support the student population. 

About us

What we do

When a particular decision or action is brought forward for examination, the students on the Appeals Board determine whether or not that decision or action was justified or if it is an infringement on the University’s policies and bylaws. Students on the Appeals Board follow the principles of natural justice, advocating for fairness and good conscience to ensure the USC remains a fully democratic and proactive organization

To learn more about the Appeals Board, you can read USC Bylaw#6 on the USC Documents list for the most current version of the by-law.

In order to submit an application to appeal, or to ask any questions about the Appeals Board, its jurisdiction, or the appeal process, send an email to the Chair of the Appeals Board at


Appeals Board Members

William Fawcett (Chair) Anjali Kupchand Ann Sony Lydia Tzianas Paul Zhao

Appeal Decisions

Appeals Related to the Clubs Governance Board

Denial of Club Ratification Appeals
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